
Lonsdale Creek Daycare Teachers


We offer Infant Toddler care at our Mahon Park and Jean Christie Building locations. Our staff work hard to form individual bonds with each child and his/her family. They focus on nurturing each child as an individual and enjoy sharing in the stages of their development with their family.

3 TO 5

We offer a preschool program within a daycare day at our Annex, Mahon Park and Margaret Heights locations. Staff continually incorporate new and interesting programming and create an engaging environment where spontaneous learning occurs on a daily basis.

Lonsdale Creek Daycare Programs


We group children in each program together for most activities, but plenty of opportunity exists for individual play with suitable materials and equipment. Daily activities follow a regular pattern, enabling the child to feel secure knowing what to expect next.

Staff assist your child in learning how to play without interfering or hurting others. The supervisor is always close at hand to give guidance, set limits, comfort and assist with problem-solving. Nurturing is a large part of our day in all programs.


Puzzles, blocks, construction materials, water play and many more indoor activities provide almost unlimited possibilities for the child to construct, create, imagine, discover and work out small problems. The satisfaction from such achievements gives the child confidence to try new and more difficult tasks.

We play outside every day – rain or shine. Our playgrounds provide children plenty of opportunity for strenuous activity, encouraging good muscular development. Our outdoor programming includes walks in the community, as well as enjoying our nearby forests where the children explore the natural play space and all it has to offer.


Stories and simple nature observations help to widen the child’s horizons by providing information about the people and world around them. Songs, rhythmic activities and simple singing games provide much enjoyment and encourage the child to take part in group activities and to express their ideas.


Each month we focus circle times, songs, art projects, books and other learning activities around a different theme. We send out a calendar every month outlining the planned activities (view a sample calendar here).

We also organize outings including trips to local parks, stores, libraries, etc. Before the child enters the program, parents sign a release form to cover such outings. We also have occasional visits from members of the community such as a doctor, firefighter or Elmer the Safety Elephant.


We provide your child an age-appropriate snack in the morning and afternoon based on the Canada Food Guide, along with milk and water. Snacks include a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables along with protein and carbohydrate foods. Children bring their own lunch and the daycare provides milk with lunch.