Teachers & Supervisors
We are proud of the longevity our staff have with us (many over 10 years). It demonstrates the success that can be achieved when parents and staff work together to create positive environments.
Professional, well-trained and well-supported staff, who enjoy working with and for children, are critical in ensuring the health, safety and well-being of children at Lonsdale Creek Daycare.
Staff are qualified in Infant Toddler and/or Early Childhood Education depending on the program in which they work. Many also have special education and other qualifications. Students doing practicums in these qualifications also work at our centres so that we can contribute to ongoing training in the profession.
Our staff regularly attend workshops and seminars to continually develop programs to engage and support our children.
Lonsdale Creek Daycare has always tried to exceed the minimum staff to child ratios prescribed in government legislation. This gives staff more opportunity to work and play with children one-on-one, and through group interaction observe, plan programs and develop team approaches.