Coming & Going


You are required to sign in and bring your child to a supervisor when arriving. We ask that your child arrives by 9:30 AM. This gives your child an opportunity to socialize and interact with friends and feel part of the group. This is also the time when the best play and learning experiences happen, as your child is fresh and ready to listen, learn and interact.

If an emergency or appointment prevents arrival, please telephone and let us know when to expect your child.

You must pick up and sign out your child no later than 5:30 p.m. in the Infant Toddler programs and 6:00 p.m. in the 3-5 programs.

If your child is going to be absent, please phone and let us know the reason for the absence.


Once you have met with the Director to complete the necessary enrolment forms you will discuss your child’s orientation dates. Over the years we have observed that a short visit involving two or three mornings is best for the child. Whenever possible we like to organize these visits in the morning, a couple of days before your child starts his/her first month.

First Visit (for about 2 hours)

Staff will show you your child’s room and cubby area and encourage you to sit and play along with the children for that first morning. During that time you should experiment with moving away from your child as and when appropriate (get a coffee and/or talk to the Supervisor etc.). Staff members are watching carefully to see your child’s reaction when you are not in the playroom, as this will help us with the goodbye procedure the next day.

Second visit (usually 2 1/2 hours)

You are invited into the room for about 15 to 20 minutes (again, please sit down and play with your child and/or the other children). Then let the supervisor know you are going to say goodbye and follow your usual goodbye procedure. Please make this short as anxiety builds in your child if you prolong this process too long. Please feel free to call the staff to see how quickly your child has recovered from the goodbye process after you are home. If staff members have not been able to distract and calm your child, they will ask you to return to daycare early.

Third visit (usually 3 hours)

You are invited to bring your child to daycare with his/her lunch. Again, after about five to ten minutes repeat the goodbye process and feel free to call staff to see how your child is doing later in the morning. Again, be prepared to return to daycare early if your child needs his/her visit to be a little shorter.


Under extreme circumstances, a parent or guardian may be asked to withdraw his/her child from daycare. These circumstances could include:

  1. If, in the opinion of the head supervisor, the environment of the daycare proves to be too over stimulating for the child and he/she has difficulty coping.
  2. When the child displays consistent aggressive behaviour which the staff views as a danger to him/herself, the staff and/or other children in the centre and does not respond to ongoing guidance goals.
  3. If the parent is unable to support the staff’s discipline goals for their child, creating an atmosphere of inconsistency and confusion for the child.